Press, Quotes

‘With Strings’ press quotes- May 2013

Avishai toured in May 2013 with his brand new project ‘Avishai Cohen with Strings’. Here are some quotes from written press:


Rhein Main Presse – Alfred Balz

“Sinnlich und mit dunklem Unterton…Selten hat man ein so intensives, alle Genre-Grenzen sprengendes Konzert gehört wie dieses…Ein Meister der Integration…”

(English translation): “Sensually and with dark undertone…Seldom has one heard such an intensive concert sprinkling all genre borders like this…a master of integration…”


 Braunschweiger Zeitung – Hans Karweik – Movimentos Festival

“Der Bass, das geliebte Wesen. Der israelische Jazzer Avishai Cohen begeistert sein Publikum. Minutenlange Ovationen – stehend. Nach 90 Minuten Konzert und 20 Minuten Zugaben verlässt Avishai Cohen das Zeithaus der Autostadt. Das Auftaktkonzert seiner Europa-Tournee, zugleich die Premiere seines neuen Projektes, ist gelungen…”

(English translation): “The bass, the beloved being. The Israeli jazz musician Avishai Cohen aroused an enthusiastic audience. Standing ovations lasting several minutes. After 90 minutes of concert and 20 minutes of additions Cohen leaves the car museum of the Autostadt. The first concert of his European tour, also the premiere of his new project, has succeeded…”


Kurier am Sonntag – JazzAhead! Bremen

“Meister des Kontrabasses”

(English translation): “Master of the contrabass”


(photo credit: Jana Ketzel)

Avishai Cohen